entries tagboard archives others We, the ELEVENIES (Jieyang, Joshua, Yingling, Khiapeng, Yuhan, Xinni, Shihao, Yanho, Joanne, Wanling, Shiqi, Huixin, Jiamin, Richard, Kexin, Concept, Yuan Ting, Wen Ting, Melissa, Peilin, Shulin, Hongyou, Hongchen), born in Nanyang Junior College under the parental guidance of Dickson aka Fat Bird™, Chenhui, Bingqiang and Sherry in 2007 believe that we will END AT NEVER.

Pikachu's ONE n ONLY post..
Sunday, January 14, 2007 @ 5:02 PM

dis entry is written by the cutest n the lamest person in the OG.. none other den pikachu ^^ im forced to write dis.. haha.. er.. on friday a group of us went to a HK cafe in kovan.. im nt sure how we ended up there anw.. lol.. the place actually nth special la.. jus dat it onli play jacky cheung de songs.. haha..

den the waiter came wif the menu.. instead of discussing wad we wan to order.. we were discussing whether we shld leave the cafe.. lol.. we sure are a bunch of cute ppl.. =.=.. after we place our orders we started crapping.. ya.. dis part not impt anw.. btw khia peng say mus tok about our new frend in the og.. so im toking abt him now.. hes actually richard's frend.. and a da shuai ge.. haha.. doesnt attract me.. so its ok.. kk now lets tok abt the food.. i dono abt the other food.. but i noe the noodles i ordered is maggi mee.. =.= the shop cheat my feelings.. and my money oso.. lol.. but still ok la the food.. ohya.. and concept sang along wif the jacky cheung song.. making every1 laugh like siao.. our kuku dickson laugh the food fly out from his mouth.. and landed on huixin lol.. btw.. yanho was very sad haha.. cos hes isolated in the corner.. canot same as me liao.. lol.. so when yanho spoke in cantonese.. khia peng was screaming n all.. lol.. didn noe yanho was a hongkonger.. i onli noe i like hamburgers........ HAHA not funny.. =.=

after eating we took some fotos.. the fotos shihao will upload lol.. theres dis very sick picture of shihao on dickson.. lol.. very obscene.. like watching MATING on ANIMALS PLANET.. haha.. dats the best description i can find for the picture..

got 1 more is huixin feeding shihao.. haha.. like zoo keeper feeding gorilla?

lolol.. jkjk onli.. jus trying to make dis entry funny.. haha.. shihao pls don find me.. T.T.. haha.. well during the whole lunch we were laughing loudly like a bunch of siao langs.. so paiseh.. =.=.. even the waiter ask us to lower our volume..

NOW FOR THE CLIMAX.............. we all went back home.. diao.. lol.. kk i stop here le.. long enuff le ba.. not long enuff den i make it longerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... ^^ haha..