entries tagboard archives others We, the ELEVENIES (Jieyang, Joshua, Yingling, Khiapeng, Yuhan, Xinni, Shihao, Yanho, Joanne, Wanling, Shiqi, Huixin, Jiamin, Richard, Kexin, Concept, Yuan Ting, Wen Ting, Melissa, Peilin, Shulin, Hongyou, Hongchen), born in Nanyang Junior College under the parental guidance of Dickson aka Fat Bird™, Chenhui, Bingqiang and Sherry in 2007 believe that we will END AT NEVER.

All is well for... Joshua!
Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Hello Elevenies!

KuKuBird hasn't been blogging for the longest time!

Just to let you guys know that our dear Joshua is doing fine in a faraway land called Tekong.
And he certainly can't wait to see all of us again, cos' he has already proposed to set the next OG outing on 14th Feb 09, Noon.

I know that both of our dear Yuhanhanhan and Yingling has dates on the very special day, but are you all able to spare some time in the early afternoon? Cos' Joshua will book out late on Fri (and he should meet his parents first) and our V.I.P - Yanho might also book out late on Fri or on Sat!

Tada, that's all for now!

OG 11 Outing 03/09: Joshua's Farewell outing (January 2009)
Friday, January 23, 2009 @ 11:02 AM

Hi guys, this may be my last time continuously updating the blog as I may not attend all the OG outings in 2009 due to my NS commitments (as shown by Yanho and Shihao).

On 20 Jan 2009, Yingling suggested an outing to Changi Airport to make up for the previous OG outing which had poor attendance. However, due to distance reasons, Jieyang decided to have it at the Singapore Flyer Popeye fast foof outlet.

At 6.30pm, Jieyang, Joanne, Dickson and I met up at City Hall MRT station and we had a long walk to the Singapore Flyer. Upon reaching the flyer, we were quite relief that Yingling and Yuhan hasn't arrived (if not they may be frustrated at waiting). Yingling and Yuhan arrived at 7pm and we had our dinner while waiting for Shiqi to arrive. During dinner, we talked about many things which I think is not quite convenient to list down here. At 8.30, Shiqi arrived and we played the game called Taboo where we have to guess a word based on some descriptions but we could not mention some key descriptions like the word spider (we cannot tell the opponent the word 8 legs) and meny other words, some difficult and some rather easy. However, no one kept a look out after the time is up and they say I cheated because when my team time is up I did not tell them but when the opponent time is up I immediately give a warning. In fact, I did not cheat as this comment was to liven up the game since I myself did not even know that the time for my group is up. So sorry guys if my behaviour gave you all a bad impression.

At 10pm, we ended the game and the team of Yingling, Yuihan and Jieyang won the game by 74-69 over the team comprising Dickson, Shiqi, Joanne and myself. We took a group photo and some individual photos with myself and those present. We took a long walk back to City Hall MRT and we said goodbye to each other.

Thanks guys for being my good friends in JC and make my 2 years in JC a present one. Hope that the OG would continue to meet up in the years ahead and my only request is for Dickson to take over my role as secretary if I did not attend any outins due to NS commitments. I think you all know my Chinese New Year wish before I enter NS so I do not think I need to mention here. I will give anyone of you a call if I have any problems during my NS stay (the problems are usually mental not physical) as I am not able to tolerate the shoutings but may be able to tolerate the trainings. Most importantly, I apologised to whoever that I have done wrong over the course of these 2 years.

Happy Chinese New year guys. xin nian kuai le, wan shi lu yi

OG members present: Dickson, Jieyang, Joshua, Yuhan, Yingling
VIP:Joanne and Shiqi
NS:Yanho and Shihao
Absent with apologies: Khia Peng, Xinni, Huixin, Wanling

OG 11 Outing 02/09: Chinese New Year outing (January 2009)
Monday, January 19, 2009 @ 4:56 PM

On 17 Jan 2009, OG 11 met up at Dicky's house to celebrate the Reunion Dinner and my farewell dinner but it bacame an exco dinner in the end due to poor response and Yingling decided to organise another make-up outing on Tuesday at Changi Airport but was changed to City Hall due to long journey to that place.

At 6pm, I reached Dicky house and Yingling was already in Dicky's room playing with his computer. We waited for Jieyang and Yuhan to come and they arrived at at 6.40pm. We ordered fried chicken from one of the fastfood outlets (dont mind help me to fill in the outlet name) which arrived at 6.50pm and we started to have our meal till 7.30pm where we discuss many things like Jieyang's CCA and about no 6 (but I don't know who created 6.1 and I also dont know who is the person.) After our meal, we went to Dicky's room to play some games and the forfeit was the truth or dare queston which was mostly not applicable to me and in the end, I have to do all the forfeit from the box. In fact, the questions was not inapplicable it was my so called 'good' acting skills and innocent looking face that makes it inapplicable. lol

At 9pm, we went down to have the yu sheng and we have a good time wishing everyone good luck and to have a prosperous New Year. After the yusheng we took some photos at Dicky's garden in the North, South, East and West direction. We went up to Dicky's room again and we played a game called blind mice and I was caught twice, one by Dickson and the other Jieyang. However, I failed to catch Yingling as she was quite flexible and she 'glide' past me until I gave up. We took some photographs on Dicky's bed and Jieyang and Dickson kept disturbing Yuhan with his 'saliva-soaked' bolster and she struggled like a monkey. At 10.45pm, we went home as we were afraid that Yuhan would miss her bus since last week she had to walk home from Yishun bus interchange to her home in Sembawang.

As it was my NS farewell outing, I put on an act and everyone fell for it. In fact, I know what it was about but I just wanted to test those who were present and see whether our OG has become more mature or are they still very innocent. The answer the OG is now very mature.

The next outing is on 20 Jan and is a Chinese new year dinner. Hope that more OG members will turn up. Happy New Year to all OG 11 members.

OG 11 members present: Dickson, Jieyang, Joshua, Yingling and Yuhan (all exco members so sad). Yanho was at field training in Tekong and Xinni was sick on Saturday so excused. Shihao is also in NS so excused.
Absent with apologies: Huixin, Shiqi, Joanne, Wanling and Khia Peng (who is greatly missed as she did not come for 3 consecutive outings)

OG 11 Outing 01/09: Celebrated OG 11 2nd Anniversary (January 2009)
Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Hi Elevenies, this is Joshua again (the OG secretary)!

On 10 Jan 2009, OG 11 met up at Dicky's house to celebrated our 2nd anniversary. At 5.45pm, Jieyang, Joanne, Yuhan, Wanling and I reached Dicky's house first and while waiting for Yingling and Shiqi, we played some card games. (I am not sure of the games that we played as I am card game illiterate lol. After Yingling and Shiqi arrived we went to have our dinner at the tzi char stall near his house. Jieyang and I waited for Yanho at the bus stop for 2 minutes.

During our dinner we discussed a lot of things like the face of the waitress like Jiamin's face (I am not sure whether the waitress face looks like Jiamin cos I tot her face has changed to become more beautiful already). We also discussed about Yanho's life in NS like have to eat within 15 to 30 minutes, the superiors would appoint the toilet cleaners and garbage ICs based on the bed number, and have to walk for quite a distance if being posted to Rocky hill (which is very far from the jetty). We also talked about something confidential.

After our meal, we went back to Dickson's house and Yingling, Shiqi and Joanne went to prepare the potion (curry with water, vinegar with water, salt water, sugar water and tomato with water) for the game forfeit. Firstly, we played a carade game where we need to guess an object based on the drawing which Dicky's group win. Secondly, we played a guessing song game which I made a mess of ot since i do not know any song in Dicky MP3 (since I dont have one so also MP3 illiterate) - maybe I am a urban and rural person. Tell you all the truth, I am not used to listen to modern songs since I only hear to songs in the 60s and Christian songs. Yanho did a very good job since he was able to hum the tune of the song the video is on the tagboard under the photos section) and again Dicky's group won and Jieyang group has to do a forfeit. Since there ware a lot of forfeit papers left, each of us chose one and the most funny was Yanho's forfeit where he had to do a belly dance and the video can be loaded from the tagboard. Jieyang has to talk about Baba for 1 minute and the video is also can be downloaded from the tagboard. Dicky's forfeit was to kiss his ten toes and also can be downloaded from the tagboard. Wanling's forfeit was to say a very yucky tongue twister, Yuhan's forfeit was to taste salt water, Joanne's forfeit was to suck her thumb, Yingling's forfeit was to taste tomato mixed with water and Shiqi's forfeit was to drink some sweet water. I do not do my forfeit but I proposed to invite the OG to come to my house to celebrate my birthday in April and to give Jieyang his NS car before he leaves for NS on 11 April. (My house is near Dicky's house and is quite convenient for those staying in Toa Payoh, Bedok, Serangoon and even Yishun). All the places mentioned there is one straight bus no need to change and I think Joanne can walk to my house so no need to worry.

At 11pm, before we went back we took a group photo and we went home. The next outing would be on Saturday either at Dicky's house or Jieyang's house.

OG 11 members present: Dickson, Jieyang and Yingling (organiser), Joshua, Shiqi, Wanling, Joanne, Yuhan, Yanho.
Absent with apologies: Shihao, Huixin, Xinni and Khia Peng

Happy New Year Elevenies