entries tagboard archives others We, the ELEVENIES (Jieyang, Joshua, Yingling, Khiapeng, Yuhan, Xinni, Shihao, Yanho, Joanne, Wanling, Shiqi, Huixin, Jiamin, Richard, Kexin, Concept, Yuan Ting, Wen Ting, Melissa, Peilin, Shulin, Hongyou, Hongchen), born in Nanyang Junior College under the parental guidance of Dickson aka Fat Bird™, Chenhui, Bingqiang and Sherry in 2007 believe that we will END AT NEVER.

OG 11 Outing 12/09: Random outing at Changi Airport/Expo/Bugis (July 2009)
Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 12:21 PM

Hi this is your OG secretary.

On 25 July, Yuhan organised an outing to Changi Airport. Dickson and I reaced Changi Airport MRT at 12.30pm (but we didn't know that we were on the same train. We walked to T3 Popeye and Yuhan and Yingling was already there. We waited for Jieyang for about 15 minutes and when we came, Jieyang thought we have already finished eating since there were uncleared food on the table. (Service not as good as I expected since it was a fast food restaurant and not some ordinary coffee shop.)

We ordered our food and we had lunch together talking about some confidential things that I do not want to reveal here. (Those who want to find out can ask those who came for this random outing and if they want to tell you then it's ok). After lunch, DICKSON BOUGHT HIMSELF A PEPSI DRINK AT THE FAIRPRICE SUPERMARKET. We took some photographs at Changi Airport before making our way to Expo to see some of the exhibitions held there. After looking at the exhibitions, Yingling left us to meet her friend and we continued to see the exhibitions. We found that we were wasting our time at Expo and we decided to accompany Yuhan to Bugis since she would be meeting her friends there for dinner.

We went to the expo MRT and Dickson got caught by the unreasonable MRT staff for holding a bottle of Pepsi in his hands. The staff told us that Dickson was drinking in the station and wanted him to produce his IC. Dickson was not drinking and was JUST HOLDING A BOTTLE OF PEPSI IN HIS HANDS. That means now the rule is that you would be fine if you were caught holding a bottle of water or holding some packet food? The staff told us that if Dickson does not want to produce his IC, he would have to call the police. There was also a group of 3 people caught for holding a Macdonald drink. Yuhan and Dickson tried to rebutt but the staff did not relent and since another group of friends also has given their ICs, Dickson had no choice but to give his IC also. After taking his IC there were a few people caught drinking also red handed. The staff say they played the announcement on the PA system which say " Eating or drinking is not allowed in stations and trains' but the announcement did not mention 'Eating and drinking and holding water bottle and packet food in your hands is not allowed in stations and trains.'We went off to Bugis after this incident which wasted about 20 minutes of our time. If Yingling was there, maybe it have been a very different story as she will challenge the staff to call the police since Dickson was not in the wrong and has not committed any offence. On the MRT to Bugis, we were talking about this same situation if it were to happen to some of our OG members. Just to let you all know, if I were to be caught in this situation, I would not give my IC and to wait for the police to come to view the CCTV to find out whether I was drinking in the station. If the guy still thinks I am wrong and still want to issue a fine, I would write a letter of complain, bring this matter up to the press and go all the way to court if necessary to prove my innocence. So, don't think I am the quiet sort that would summit to pressure. If this situation happens to anyone of our OG members and if I am there, I will call my father who is a voluntary police officer and he would advise me accordingly. I will help to prove the innocence of our OG members if they are wrongly accused. (Sorry if I had written anything that offends any of the OG members so far).

We went to Bugis Street and Yuhan, Dickson and Jieyang advise me to change my dressing. I changed into a few pairs of Jeans and shoes and after trying it on, I was told by Yuhan that I had a makeover. Even though I did not buy, I now do know where to get things needed for a makeover. Thanks guys. We went to a new shopping centre to sit down and took some photos.

After Yuhan left to meet her friends, Dickson, Jieyang and I followed him to Orchard so that Dickson can get himself a new pair of jeans. We went to Toa Payoh and Jieyang went back. This random OG outing was quite unexpected but it was good so that we can prepare ourselves if this case that happened to Dickson today happens again in out future OG outings (especially the official ones). If this case happens again remind me to help I can take advise from my father. Thanks

If this situation happens to our OG memebers this is what will happen(correct me if I am wrong):
Jieyang/Xinni/Jiamin/Wanling/Huixin/Yanho: Might give IC don't want any trouble
Joshua: Call father for legal advise, Rebutt, challenge the staff the call the police, report the matter to the press to warn the public and bring the matter to court if this cannot be settled amicably. Report the matter to the director as my family knows the director of operation for the NEL.
Yingling/Yuhan/Khia Peng/Joanne/Shihao/Shiqi: Rebutt to the finish and challenge the staff to call the police to prove their innocence

Official OG outing (August)
Organiser: Dickson
Place to meet: Harbour Front MRT (Sentosa)
Time: 9.30am
Date: 15 August (Sat)
Occasion: Picnic Outing

Sunday, July 19, 2009 @ 9:37 PM


Don't worrry, Fat Bird is not here to haolian his French by naming this entry title in French (the fact is that he still know nuts even after twenty lessons)

Back to the main point, I would like to thank you guys for all the fun yesterday, in a blink of eye, this is the already third celebration you guys planned for me, appreciate it man!

Truthfully, it was the company that matters (:

Anyway, I will have to disappoint you guys (okay, it is your wallets actually), Fat Bird will be back in Singapore just in time to celebrate his TWENTY FIRST birthday okay (thunder strikes) and there is no escape! HAHAHA!

*P.S Hope you guys like the new layout ya!


OG 11 Outing 11/09: Celebrated Dickson and Jiamin birthday (July 2009)
@ 11:21 AM

Hi again elevenies, this is Joshua your OG secretary presenting to you the outing for July 2009.

On 18 July, I organised an outing at my house to celebrate Jiamin and Dickson birthday. At 5.30pm, I was supposed to meet Dickson (for some reasons) and Shiqi (to get Dickson's birthday card) but in the end, Jieyang and Khia Peng arrived also which was not in my plan. After Shiqi gave the birthday card to Dickson, Dickson, Khia Peng, Jieyang and myself went to my house which was different from the one we went last time during my birthday. After waiting for 15 minutes, I called Wanling (she leader of the main group) and she told me that everybody here already except Xinni. I went down to Serangoon MRT bus stop and only Xinni has not arrived. My father fetch Jiamin, Yinging, Yuhan and Wanling to my house while Yanho waited at the bus stop for Xinni. The funny thing was that no one wanted to sit at the front but finally Jiamin sat at the front. When I went back to the bus stop, Xinni came already and after waiting for a while, my father fetch the 3 of us to the house.

After playing and talking for a while we had dinner. Jiamin and all the boys were at one table while Wanling, Yingling, Khia Peng, Yuhan, Xinni were at another table. Khia Peng and Yingling wanted my parents to come sit with them and my father started to tell them stories from his experience. At our table, we talked about driving and some Uni stuff. While we were having dinner Huixin called me and I went to the bus stop to pick her. After dinner, we went to the room and we played some wacking game where each person will represent themselves with an MRT station and if that MRT station was called by someone, those sitting on the left and right of the person will be beaten on the thigh. Later we change the name from MRT stations to a person's name that came for today's outing. Huixin represented herself as Yew Tee MRT and Khia Peng and these 2 names was so frequently called that she kept beaten by Khia Peng till her eyes were watery. (but it was not crying. just too happy). The room was filled with screaming and laughing esp from Yingling, Yuhan and Khia Peng. We played a song guessing game and Yanho was very good in singing the song even though he doesn't even know the song. I tried 2 songs also and finally Jiamin and Yuhan were able to guess the song that I sang since I failed to play this game properly during the 2nd anniversary.

We cut the cake and sang the birthday song for Jiamin and Dickson. However, since we did not have a cake for the outing for Yuhan, Yanho and Huixin, their names were also on the cake. After singing the birthday song we ate the cake. The girls were discussing among themselves who should eat the cake but after a huge discussion they saw the cake was gone and it was Yanho who had eaten all the cake. We also had ice cream and we split up into 2 groups to have some discussion. After this discussion I presented the presents to Dickson and Jiamin plus taking photos with Yuhan, Yanho, Jiamin, Huixin and Dickson. My father then fetch everyone back to the bus stop except for Dickson and Jiamin whom my father brought them back to their home since it was their birthday.Wanling, Jieyang and Huixin took a bus from my house since their home got direct bus. The money for the cake and dinner my parents will treat. You all just have to pay the present for Jiamin and Dickson only. I will sms you all the price but don't worry less than $4 only.

This OG outing was very fun and exciting since there were Yingling, Yuhan and Khia Peng who made this outing so lively. Hope that the next outing whom Yuhan suggested at Sentosa and organised by Dickson would be filled with games and laughter. Next month onwards, I will ask Yuan Ting to join us for outings. Maybe some of the members have forgotten about her.

Members present: Dickson, Joshua (organiser), Jieyang, Yanho, Khia Peng, Yingling, Yuhan, Xinni, Wanling, Jiamin and Huixin
Members absent: Joanne (NDP), Shiqi (dinner with colleagues)

Next Outing details:
Organiser: Dickson
Venue: Sentosa
Time: To be confirmed
Date: To be confirmed
Occasion: -