entries tagboard archives others We, the ELEVENIES (Jieyang, Joshua, Yingling, Khiapeng, Yuhan, Xinni, Shihao, Yanho, Joanne, Wanling, Shiqi, Huixin, Jiamin, Richard, Kexin, Concept, Yuan Ting, Wen Ting, Melissa, Peilin, Shulin, Hongyou, Hongchen), born in Nanyang Junior College under the parental guidance of Dickson aka Fat Bird™, Chenhui, Bingqiang and Sherry in 2007 believe that we will END AT NEVER.

OG 11 Outing 05/10: Celebrated Khia Peng's Birthday (May 2010)
Sunday, May 23, 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Hi Elevenies, here is an update of the outing we had on 22 May to celebrate the birthday of our beloved Khia Peng whom we did not see since August last year.

On 22 May, the regulars was supposed to meet up earlier at 5.30pm to buy Khia Peng’s present. However, I came late and got scolded by Yuhan as she has to wait for nearly 20 minutes since I thought the OG will always come late for outing. We went to a shop thinking of buying a Winnie the Pooh soft toy so that Khia Peng can place it in her car. However, the shop we intended to buy from does not have the soft toy and we thought of buying an air refreshener for Khia Peng. Jieyang took the air refreshener and after smelling it, dropped it onto the floor and the cover of the air refreshener came off, much to the dismay of the salesman. The salesman picked it up and Jieyang felt so guilty wondering whether he needs to pay for it. After that, we decided to buy a solar energy ‘plant’ for Khia Peng where it leaves will move when there is sunlight. After paying for Khia Peng’s present, we went to Sukiya and waited outside while waiting for the rest to come.

Khia Peng thought she would be late but who knows she was the first to arrive and after her, Yanho and Xinni turned up. When Yanho turned up, he asked us whether we like to drink alcohol and Khia Peng thought it was the German way of saying hello. Everyone was okay with it except Xinni who doesn’t quite like alcohol. After waiting for about 10 minutes, we were finally ushered to our table and we started our dinner. During the dinner, there were times that no one was talking and there were times that our table was quite noisy. Khia Peng scolded Jieyang for being stupid as he placed the meat in the steamboat and did not look out whether it was already cooked. I became and secretary cum servant as I need to go and refill the food. When Khia Peng and Jieyang said ‘er-hem’ means I have to go and refill the food. Yanho ate quite fast and stopped eating for a while then continue to eat so as to clear the wastage.

As Huixin has already eaten, she joined us at about 8.30pm and waited for us to finish our ice-cream. After we paid for the meal, we went outside of Marina Square and started to chat. Yanho showed us the ‘nice’ photos he took while he was in Germany and Khia Peng was quite interested in one of them and zoomed in on photo. Yanho also told us some the incidents that took place while in Germany and he almost entered a gay club. Khia Peng also told us about her clubbing story at Butter Factory which gave me an insight of what is happening inside a club. We also talked about what we will do if we found out that our boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on us. I also told them about my dream and Khia Peng was quite interested to hear it, keeping wanting to find out more.

At 10.15pm, we left Marina Square. Jieyang and Huixin went to meet their JC classmate; Xinni took a bus home while Yuhan, Khia Peng, Yanho and I took the MRT home. This outing I felt was quite fun and Khia Peng was the main star yesterday. Yingling did not come yesterday as she was sick. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHIAPENG.

The next outing would be to celebrate Xinni’s birthday which falls on 3rd June and I propose to hold the outing on 5th June rather than wait till the end of the month when Dickson comes back since I got duty on the last week of June. For Yuhan, Yanho, Huixin and Dickson's birthday, we can celebrate together on the first week of July.

OG Members present: Jieyang, Joshua, Yanho, Xinni, Yuhan, Khia Peng, Huixin
OG Member absent with apologies: Shiqi, Joanne, Wanling, Yingling, Richard