entries tagboard archives others We, the ELEVENIES (Jieyang, Joshua, Yingling, Khiapeng, Yuhan, Xinni, Shihao, Yanho, Joanne, Wanling, Shiqi, Huixin, Jiamin, Richard, Kexin, Concept, Yuan Ting, Wen Ting, Melissa, Peilin, Shulin, Hongyou, Hongchen), born in Nanyang Junior College under the parental guidance of Dickson aka Fat Bird™, Chenhui, Bingqiang and Sherry in 2007 believe that we will END AT NEVER.

OG 11 Outing 09/09: Celebrated Xinni's Birthday (May/June 2009)
Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Hi elevenies, this is your OG secretary again reporting on Xinni's birthday held on 30 May at Suntec City. This outing was quite special as a OG member whom we did not see for 2.25 years finally came after many sms from me. Do u know who is that? It's Jiamin.

At 6pm when I reach City Hall I called all those who said they were comign for the outing but surprisingly all came late. In fact, I was worried that Jiamin would not recognise me but may recognise Dickson or Jieyang. Luckily, she recognise me and we waited for the rest to arrive. The OG members then came in this order: Xinni, Huixin, Jieyang, Dickson and the latest to arrive: Yanho who was 1 hour late. I thought the OG was playing a trick on me since everytime when they would be late they would reply to tell me. However, this time I thought that everyone would be on time since no one tell me that they would be late. In the end, Jiamin and I have to wait for everyone until 6.35pm.

When everyone reach, we went to Marina Square and Suntec City wondering where to have our dinner. As Xinni is the birthday girl, she agreed to have our dinner at New York New York. At New York New York we waited for Yanho to arrive for about 20 minutes and when he arrives Jieyang and Dickson went to bring him.

During dinner, I told the OG this story in the hope that I woud get the response from those that did not come for this outing. In this stiory, there are 5 characters: 1 boyfriend, 1 girlfriend, 1 old woman, 1 sailor and the boyfriend's friend. The 5 of them were on a ship heading to a place. However, there was a shipwrack on their way there and the 5 characters landed onto 2 islands. On 1 island, there were the sailor, girlfriend and the old woman and on the other island there were the boyfriend and his friend. The girlfriend ask the sailor to bring her to the other island so that she and her boyfriend could be reunited. However, the sailor wanted her to sleep with him for a night. The girlfriend asked the old woman for advice but the old woman told her to do what she thinks is right. In the end, the girlfriend slept with the sailor and the next day she and the boyfriend were reunited. She told her boyfriend what happened hte night before and the boyfriend was very angry with her and broke off with her. The boyfriend's friend saw what happened and put his hands on her shoulder and told her 'I will take care of you'. After hearing this story, which character do you like the best and which character do you hate and why? Don't mind tell me your response during the next outing. I will ask this question again to find out the response.

Jiamin also wanted to know some army story but since it was not convenient to say she told me to treat her like a boy. lol

We surprised Xinni by requesting the waiter to sing for her her birthday song and she was very happy. Dickson presented her birthday present and after Yanho volunteered to finish the cake we went to get Yuhan present. Jiamin also got many suggestions to go for bowling, play pool and many activities. We waited for Xinni parents to come and after Xinni left, Dickson, Jieyang, Jiamin and I walked to the MRT.

Dickson then decided to take a bus back and Jieyang, Jiamin and I walked to City Hall MRT. It reminded me of the day before we collected our O Level result where the three of us say farewell and all the best before we collected our O levels the next day. Hope that Jiamin can add spice to the OG by having more activities so as to make our OG outing more interesting and exciting.

In order to make the outing more lively, we need to have either one of these four members to come: Jiamin, Khia Peng, Yingling and Yuhan as they got more ideas. Hope that the birthday celebration for Yanho and Yuhan would be a grand one (Jieyang is the organiser) and more people would come for the outing. Frankly to say, yesterday outing was very good as it cures me of my 'condition'. This condition is not very convenient to tell to girls so please don't ask.

OG members present: Dickson, Jieyang, Joshua, Yanho and Xinni
VIP: Huixin, Jiamin (long time no see)
OG members absent: Joanne(NDP), Wanling(got something on), Kexin(OT), Shiqi, Shihao(confinement OJT), Yuhan(Father's birthday), Khia Peng (camp), Yingling
