entries tagboard archives others We, the ELEVENIES (Jieyang, Joshua, Yingling, Khiapeng, Yuhan, Xinni, Shihao, Yanho, Joanne, Wanling, Shiqi, Huixin, Jiamin, Richard, Kexin, Concept, Yuan Ting, Wen Ting, Melissa, Peilin, Shulin, Hongyou, Hongchen), born in Nanyang Junior College under the parental guidance of Dickson aka Fat Bird™, Chenhui, Bingqiang and Sherry in 2007 believe that we will END AT NEVER.

OG 11 Outing 15/09: Celebrated Wanling's birthday (September 2009)
Sunday, September 27, 2009 @ 11:06 AM

Hi Elevenies,

On the 26th of September, OG 11 had an outing to celebrate Wanling's birthday (for the 1st time) where the place to celebrate Wanling's birthday was organised by Yingling. We met up at Bugis MRT at 6pm (this time most of us came on time) as we want to start early since Jieyang has to go back to camp to perform guard duty. (Next time in order to have everyone come early, Jieyang must say he has guard duty lol). We then walked to the steamboat buffet shop and waited for the 'Guest of Honour' - Yingling to arrive.

After Yingling arrived, we started the meal. This shop has a very funny policy as in we have to pay the money based on the nuber of chopsticks - so Yuhan suggested that next time we bring our own chopsticks and only ask for 3 chopsticks so as to share the cost. Yingling kept on asking Jieyang to take MC but Jieyang doesn't want if not nthey have to activate another guy which he felt was not morally right (maybe if Yingling is the gf he will straight away report sick to get MC). We started to put all the food into the steamboat and I told Yingling about how she was admired by the boys in my department in my unit when they went into my facebook to have a look at my photos. Yingling felt so honoured but Jieyang say the boys in my department was from the Visually Handicapped school which means that my friends 'xia le yan' to say that Yingling was beautiful and Dickson say they were all blind. Yingling felt like pinching Dicky and Jieyang. Wanling also taught Jieyang how to break the eggshell and Jieyang learned fast.

Dickson then drop some food into the steamboat too high and almost splash the soup on Yngling's face. Then I remembered my friends saying that Yingling's face 'bao yang de hen hao' no wonder one of them say he likes her and wants me to introduce her to them. He was also so interested when another guy started talking about her and he put down his PSP and joined the conversation. Then Yingling say she has very high expectation and not so easy to win her heart.

After eating the 'general' food, we started to have seafood (crab and prawns was the main dishes) and everyone started to rush for the crab. A typical Singaporean is such that they will rush for things that is free for all and would not care about how others feel or think of them. We then gave Wanling her present and this Jieyang like going to switch to army mode liao and ask Wanling to change. The rest of us thought that his motive was for Wanling to change on the spot in front of him. This month would not have birthday cake but next month we will have the birthday cake for both Yingling and Wanling at the same time.

As Jieyang has to go for guard duty we left the buffet shop and he took a bus back to Nee Soon Camp. We then went back to Bugis Junction where Yingling and Yuhan bought some flip flops for their friends. We then went to Mos Burger to sit down to chat and Yingling took a very cute photo of Wanling from behind the plastic bags. Both Yuhan and Yingling read each other's SMS and we thought they were SMSing each other when they were sitting beside each other. Xinni kept touching her nose and Dicky told me it was like going to drop out lol. When we were walking back we saw a lot of 'free' things like bread, chair, cloth and even the MRT door as the shops do not have shutters.

Yingling and Xinni took the MRT going to the East side. Yuhan and Wanling took the North South line and Dickson and I took the North East Line home. The next outing will be held on the 10th of October at Dickson's house to celebrate Yingling's birthday. Hope that more Elevenies can come for the next outing so that Yingling can feel honored. haha

OG members present: Dickson, Jieyang, Yingling, Yuhan, Joshua, Xinni and Wanling (birthday girl)
OG members absent: Khia Peng, Yanho (overseas), Huixin, Shiqi, Joanne, Shihao, Jiamin and Kexin
Couple of the day: Wanling and Jieyang (they were like a good match yesterday)